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負壓風機采購:armies of darkness 83% of syria’s lights out s

弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光
弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光(圖片引自onleaks)

A recent observation of Syria’s nighttime lights reveals that 83% of the country’s lights have gone out since the start of the military conflict in 2011

Armies of Darkness: 83% of Syria’s Lights Out Since Start of War in 2011

? Photo: Xi Li
(updated 13:54 12.03.2016)
A recent observation of Syria’s nighttime lights reveals that 83% of the country’s lights have gone out since the start of the military conflict in 2011.

來源:Sputnik 更新時間:2016-03-12 13:28:52 分類:News 關鍵詞:nighttime,lights,military,conflict,Syria,Raqqa,Aleppo,Damascus

來源:搜狐網 更新時間:2016-03-12 08:43:30 分類:科技 關鍵詞:曝光,渲染

  昨天我們剛剛看到了一張LG G4的渲染圖曝光,今天就看到了更多渲染圖外泄,從這些圖片中我們可以看到LG G4機身正面與側面的設計。

#WithSyria, a movement of some 130 organizations, has released a satellite image of Syria's nighttime lights, dated February 2016. When placed side-by-side with a similar picture from March, 2011, it shows that the country is approximately 83 percent dimmer than at the start of the military conflict.

 A recently released observation over Syria’s nighttime lights reveals that 83% of the country’s lights have gone out since the start of the military conflict on its grounds.
A recently released observation over Syria’s nighttime lights reveals that 83% of the country’s lights have gone out since the start of the military conflict on its grounds.

The researcher says he is now looking at the current conflict in Iraq through a similar analysis of nighttime lights.

  如圖所示,LG G4基本就是和LG G Flex及G Flex 2相近的弧形屏設計,前面板被玻璃完整的覆蓋住,同時前置攝像頭的大廣角也非常顯著,將會非常適合多人自拍。

A Chinese researcher, Xi Li, has watched Syria's warfare unfolding through nighttime satellite imagery and has measured the levels of nighttime light across the country since the start of the conflict in March 2011.

The researcher says the displacement of people has been the main factor behind the darkening: 3.8 million people have fled the country. He also blamed power shortages and damage to Syria's infrastructure.


弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光  弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光
弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光(圖片引自onleaks)

Armies of Darkness: 83% of Syria’s Lights Out Since Start of War in 2011 / Sputnik International

Armies of Darkness: 83% of Syria’s Lights Out Since Start of War in 2011 / Sputnik International

He now says that most of the country’s nighttime lights have gone out, including 97 percent of the lights in Aleppo, 35 percent in Damascus and 96 percent in Raqqa, the new de facto capital of the Islamic State militants.


  背部可以看到LG G4仍舊將按鍵放在了攝像頭下方,主攝像頭同樣很顯眼,而且攝像頭四周略微有一些突起。在攝像頭右側,可以看到LG G4配備了雙LED閃光燈。


  除此之外,目前還有消息稱LG G4將采用驍龍810處理器,1600萬像素主攝像頭,2K顯示屏。這些曝光出來的渲染圖應該都還是早期設計,因此最終發(fā)布時的LG G4或許會有細微的不同之處。

As single images can be affected by cloud cover or other factors, Li came up with a monthly average image of nighttime light so it could be compared over the course of Syria's conflict.

弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光-搜狐數(shù)碼

弧形機身2K屏 LG G4多角度渲染圖曝光-搜狐數(shù)碼


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